
Friday, May 14, 2010

Nikon D3000 10.2MP Digital SLR Camera You Will Love It

Some will say this review is more for the amateurs but i hope this review from the obvious pros was great and very educating, but for someone who is DSLR illiterate, maybe this review was also looking for a no-nonsense.

Out of the box it was a snap to use. The quick start guide was just that. It got you up and running in no time. However, you have to be a finger contortionist just to get the strap properly affixed to the camera. No big deal; just took you about 10 minutes.

The accompanying lens is a cinch to attach to the body. This camera looks slick. It's more compact and a bit lighter than the other DSLR's.

Turn the camera on and the big 3" display lights up with all the camera data,  hope you to understand one day f-stop, aperature, numbers, other numbers, dots and squares, and so on.  Positively they all mean something. The included user manual says what all this stuff means, but not how a newbie can manipulate these settings to produce great pictures. But that's what this entry level camera is all about.

Set the camera to AUTO and shoot away. The camera does everything for you. AUTO is fine if you want immediate pictures. But start learning the camera's real capabilities (which only requires some light reading on-line or simple experimentation), and you're shooting your best photos ever.

This DSLR will take the picture as soon as you press the shutter button. And did you know this $450 camera will take the picture just as fast as the $5000 jobbers? Yes, you knew that. Here in this short review just to show that you don't need to spend loads of money on a camera to take great pictures. Use this camera for everyday pictures of the family, nature, vacations and what you like to take great pictures.

Some people don't like the fact that it doesn't have video. Who cares? Video cameras are for video. DSLR's are for taking pictures. Want video on a DSLR?

Overall, this camera has the ability to take incredible photos. Just learn what it's capable of and you'll be very happy with it.

Graduating from a point and shoot digital to a DSLR makes buying the Nikon D3000 the obvious choice.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Canon PowerShot SX210IS 14.1 MP - Super Cool For An Amateur Photographer

The roster of new compact megazooms for spring 2010 is very impressive with all the major manufacturers coming out with hot new cameras. The 14x zoom and 14 MP live up to the hype.

But the other features of the camera make it a tremendous little package. And it is indeed little. It fit comfortably in a cargo pant side pocket. Light and small.

The dedicated video button is a great idea and made more likely to shift to video than would have been without it. Also, maybe love the old style mode dial. Much more convenient and easy to use than a menu driven system. That being said, the menus and the navigation dial are very well put together and easy to navigate. A very bright, big and clear LCD screen.

Some will  love having manual focus, Aperture, Shutter, and program settings like on an old camera, and it was thrilled to see that the changes in settings showed up on the LCD to simulate what the shot would look like. Super cool for an amateur photographer and will help you taking a better picture in the future.

The shutter speed is fast but still not like a SLR . The lag between shots is less than my previous camera but still not perfect. You will  like that because you can shift back to the shooting screen before the previous image is finished writing to disk.

Strong low light performance. It was surprised at how well it did in pub lit mainly by Christmas lights. You will get clear, balanced shots when every other camera at the table was producing nothing worth keeping.

You'll need to do some homework to understand why those are not working for you. Also,you have not had success with shooting fast moving objects as well. 

Finally, battery life is a point of concern. On your first long day of shooting, maybe the battery signal will getting low before evening. So make sure you  order a backup battery to be sure that you won't run out of juice on a whole day away from home.

As long as battery life does not become a problem, it is a complete package and well worth the price in comparison to the other brands.